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Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, BaltimoreFROM BENCH TO ASSETS: BUILDING A VALUABLE PATENT PORTFOLIO. 主讲:孙芃律师 时间:6月11日(本周日) 地点:约翰·霍普金斯Homewood校区(具体地址TBA) 注册:俱乐部网站(TBA) 【嘉宾简介】 孙芃律师在乔治敦大学法学院(Georgetown University Law Center)获得法学博士,并在马里兰大学医学院获得生物医学博士 ,现工作于富力达律师所(Foley & Lardner, LLP)驻华盛顿办公室。孙芃律师长年对各类生命科学机构(学校,研究机构, 制药厂以及生物公司)进行专利法方面的法律咨询,尤其是帮助生命科学机构通过专利法来对生命医药创新来保护, 维护,以 及增值,同时参与帮助客户完成并购(M&A)和企业上市(IPO)的尽职报告。在加入富力达律师所之前,孙芃律师致力于帮助客 户解决关于FDA法律的事务,尤其是FDA管辖产品在美国销售,商业宣传,以及监管过程。孙芃律师曾在美国联邦索赔法院( U.S. Court of Federal Claims) 为 Susan Braden 和 Dania Zane做法院实习。
Regional Resources for Technology and Innovation Development | The Hopkins Start Up Saloon V
Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, BaltimoreNina Lamba Ph.D. Senior Program Manager BioMaryland Center, Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development, State of Maryland Time: 2-3 pm, Aug 06, 2017 Venue: Hodson 316, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218 Biography: Nina Lamba is Senior Program Manager of the BioMaryland Center within the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development. […]
Startup Journey in the Eyes of Investors: An IDG Perspective | Start Up Saloon VI
Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street, BaltimoreThe Speaker: Zixuan Pang, Ph.D. Healthcare Associate, IDG Capital Time: 2-3 pm, Aug 27, 2017 Venue: Hodson 305, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218 Abstract: Dr. Zixuan Pang, an investment manager of IDG Capital will share his experience and perspectives from venture capital to invest in tech start-ups. Dr Pang received his BS degree […]