Hopkins Startup Salon Series-3


Speaker: Weiguo Dai, Ph.D.

  • 美国全球强生制药集团公司药物产品开发部科学总监,美中医药开发协会(SAPA)2015-2016 总会主席。
  • 2013年,当选为美国药学家学会Fellow (AAPS Fellow)。2012年当选为美国强生制药集团公司全球首届62名JANSSEN FELLOW之一。JANSSEN FELLOW是强生制药集团公司授予该公司内国际上公认的顶级科学家的最高科学荣誉,以表彰他们对科学做出的重大贡献和公司的影响。
  • 荣获了多项声誉奖项,包括2011年度强生制药集团公司Philip B. Hofmann杰出研究科学家奖 (美国强生集团公司最具盛名的研发奖项之一)。担任过美国药学家学会(AAPS)工业药学与生物药剂学部 (PPB Section) 主席等领导职务。现任美国药学家学会 AAPS Fellow评审委员会11名评委名之一,工业化生产制造及科学学部(MSE) Fellow 评委会主席, 10家英文医药期刊的编辑或编辑顾问委员会成员,现为美国2个大学药学院的兼职教授。作为杰出华人专家代表,多次受到党和国家领导人习近平总书记,李克强总理, 张徳江,张高丽等接见。


中国经济的体量扩大和大规模转型为全世界提供了机遇与挑战!对于海外留学生华人创业者,如何利用国内的资源加速创业创新具有重大意义。 戴卫国博士,康璐博士和Mr James Early共同探讨了『中国创新创业模式』。


Olivia Kang Ph.D.

Co-founder, ClearPathBio

Dr. Olivia Kang is the co-founder of ClearPathBio. Olivia also founded and co-founder several cross-border online education companies. Olivia has spent years cultivating deep networks with both strategic and financial investors within China. She has helped university researchers as well as medtech and life sciences companies to connect to investors and incubator parks in China. Her out-license experience ranges from immuno-oncology to antibodies. She received her PhD in biomedical engineering from University of Leeds UK and completed her postdoctoral research at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Olivia also worked as a Senior Consultant for R&D, Quality and Regulatory Affairs for Johnson & Johnson companies and Philips healthcare. Oliva is a member of Toastmasters Club and volunteers for a variety of medical community events such as the Dr. Ponseti 5/10K run.

James Early

CEO, ClearPathBio

James Early is CEO of ClearPathBio. James concurrently serves as CEO of UpWealth, a cross-border China/US advisory and wealth management firm. James has been active in China since 2012 and is a frequent guest on Chinese television and where his published commentary attracts millions of readers. Previously, James created the research department for The Motley Fool, where he spent 12 years, and served as lead advisor to advisory services in both the US and England, and provided extensive training on valuation methods and modeling. James began his analytical career evaluating public and private investments for US hedge fund TSL Capital. James is a Mensa member who enjoys alpine climbing and Chinese kung fu.

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credit: Haofeng Ding

credit: Haofeng Ding

credit: Haofeng Ding
